
today i payed a visit to my first alma mater for Career Day… apparently the kiddies wanted to know more about archaeology and what we do in the real world… i was very pleased to find a room full of kids, from 7th through 11th grade… interested!with questions!! smart ones!!! it was very cool, i had a great time, and i think they enjoyed it too… although some may be dissapointed by the no-dinosaurs shpeal i gave them…  :/ sorry kids… still, by the end of it they were still enthusiastic and genuinely interested with what i had to tell them… i had a great time!!

which puts me in mind… i think i would really like teaching… maybe, a career change??? *contemplates the idea*…

reaching the end

it’s the very last week of the Savannah project.. only one more burial in the ground to start excavating, and for us osteologists, oh, at least some 30 left to analyze by the time friday comes around… SO, it’s going to be a fun, workaholic week this week, just like this weekend, which i have spent most of working…….

THEN, i drive up to Atlanta for a few days before i fly to Guadalajara!!! yay! it will be a good 2 weeks in Mexico, with the possibility of flying home for a few days too before getting back to ATL for some Puerto Rican prehistoric human remains analysis….. 😀

HAAF has been an incredible project to work on, so much material to look at, so much I have learned within my own specialty, I can only think this is the right place for me….

savannah, ga

i have been in Savannah, Ga for a little over two months now, and so far so good…. i have been working on an amazing historical cemetery site, ca. 1870’s-1910’s, with so much skeletal material to analyze i have my work cut out for me. none the less, i have learned so much in so little time, while still getting the opportunity to put all those years of school and learning to practice! and getting paid for it! that is really the silver lining in the whole thing, gives me a sense of purpose and accomplishment.. 🙂

some of you may be thinking what this may mean for my future endeavors, well, i have decided (for real this time) that i am postponing my return to school for the PhD. all things considered (economy, financial, personal issues), the very best thing for me right now is to stay were i am at the moment, get as much experience out of it, save money and finally start working on my life, not just school. after 4+ years of working towards academic achievement and a career, i think i deserve to give my MSc speak for itself, and to work on other aspects of my life, that so dearly need it. whether GA is a long-term stop for me or not, being on this side of the pond for a while, and employed, is the place for me to be right now.

as for London and my ‘family’ there, i miss them all greatly, and am sad at the thought of not returning this fall.. but i promise you all i will be visiting sometime soon, i’m not one to stay away for long… 😉


well.. the day has (almost) come… tomorrow afternoon i leave north-bound to good ol’ GA state for some phys anth work, at long last. i continue to be completely terrified of what the whole thing will turn out to be, continuing to imagine a complete nightmare… i think it has something to do with being asked to do an important job, i hate letting people down and worry over my lack of ability to do the work… really, it’s all in my head, i know, but still the butterflies in my stomach continue to multiply..

on the bright side i have already found a knitting group to join in Savannah (thanks to the fabulousness of, so that is definitely something to look forward to. i have already packed all of my needles and way too much yarn.. 😀

and, back to the not so bright side of things, i have decided to leave my dog at home. at least for the time being as i don’t know where i will be staying, what conditions i will be in really… but i am so sad! i missed her terribly while i was in new york for just 2 weeks, and now i leave her behind again.. i am a terrible mother. i hope i can send for her once i am all settled in, it would be a great thing.

so… the next time i post will be from GA.. i have no idea if i will have internet connection at my place of lodging, so we’ll see how long it will be till the next…..